The Vegas/Poker Channel
Okay. It has been bothering me for eons!! I recall the day that I found out that Midcontinent was getting The Travel Channel!!! I got excited as I dreamt of days of leisure watching them explore the world. What a let down!!!! We might as well call it The Poker Channel or the Vegas Channel!!! I am sure that Vegas is glorious for some people - particularly the type sitting in their ripped up Barcoloungers in their trailers wearing their wife-beaters and slugging back a few Old Mil's. To me, I have not seen much yet to convince me that Vegas is no more than well-lit cultural toilet. (Oooooooh.....Shiny!) And poker???!!!! Pul-leeeeez!!! Like that is travelling!!! Oh, sure, they go to differnet places around the world and sit INSIDE playing poker!!!! Where is the travel??? If you wake up early and turn it to The Travel Channel, you will more than likely find infomercials. After the infomercials have finished, they do have a couple of shows on about travel, before they switch to the poker, Vegas thing!!!!
So, after getting the needed funding, I fully intend to create my own Channel and perhaps call it "The Travel Channel - No, Seriously". We will travel to real places far away. Places where the financially strapped intellectual, or culture-seeking-geographically-challenged individual would like to see. We will also have shows like, "Where Not to Go" and "The Impatient Traveler". I thought "The Impatient Traveler" would be fun to see for those folks that hate waiting in lines and travelling the most travelled spots. Perhaps we could even offer tips on what to do while waiting in line and how to handle the screaming baby situation. "Where Not to Go" would be fun as well!!! There are places where the service, despite the reputation, sucks! I would also have shows that would follow a historical traveler like Hemingway or Ben Franklin...or perhaps one that would trace the steps of a common citizen centuries ago. That would be interesting!!! Best of all, "The Crabby Traveler" - would be a show where the host would over-analyze "happy" or "fun" and rip it apart in Disneyland or Seaworld or Vegas (Ooooooh.....Shiny!).
Do I have any potential viewers???
First, I drink Miller High Life, Not Old Mil. Next, I think you would enjoy Wanderlust. Gerhard is a great host and he actually travels around and never plays poker.
I'm worried that you're going to face some difficulty with the name of your new channel, but good luck. I'll watch. I'll even volunteer to do a show on Touring Trailer Parks - what do you think?
I've heard the PBS Michael Palin show is really good, too, although I'm not sure when/if they're running it. Can't go wrong with Michael Palin, IMO.
I've seen Vegas. It is shiny and yucky. I didn't drink, I didn't gamble, I didn't visit any strippers. I am not a vegas person. I don't know how to play poker, and I don't want to learn. I would think watching someone play poker on TV would be about like watching someone golf: not a lot of fun. I think they should save the friggin' poker shows for the friggin' poker network, or ESPN or some other channel that doesn't promise interesting content.
Miller High Life??? Quality, dear, not quantity! Carpe Diem!
I would allow you to do the trailer show perhaps as a "Where Not to Live" episode of the "Where Not to Go" series... A friend of mine was telling me that while living in a trailer court in college, he found that people put tires on the roofs of their trailers as insulation (or for weight) and it was something of a status thing there.
Belinda had an aunt and uncle that bought a beautiful parcel of land. It was a wooded lot by the lake. They cleared all the trees and put a trailer in!!!! (She also admits to being from a white-trash background, although to meet her, you would never know it)
Wanderlust isn't on the schedule in the recent future, but if you hear anything more about it, let me know. It kind of looks like Napolean Dynamite on tour from the photos...
Eric - thanks for the info. I thought never having been there, there may be something I didn't know about...
Mel - I will look for that one on PBS. I am having a renewed interest in them when they are not campaigning.
I'd be interested in being featured in the Trailer Parks show. I have experience.
Never been to Vegas, either.
Would you include bicycling adventures? I have experience there to and still have the scars to prove it.
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