Just general Arizona stuff- Trailer Parks and Kitsch
I cannot proceed any further without the mention of the general atmosphere in Arizona. For one, there is the obvious brush, cacti, and lack of large natural species. They have corporate farms that house cattle and horses under carport-type buildings with large fans blowing on them. Most of the cattle are the same cattle grown here, but occasionally there are open range steers - Texas style with horns.
The main crop as you drive through the territory seems to be cotton. Excuse the lax nature of the photos. Most of them were taken while sitting in the car afraid to ask for someone to slow down or stop. You see, when your driver gets older and the reflexes are slower, something like slowing down could result in a slam on the breaks at the wrong time. So, for safety sake, I didn't say a word.
Another of their bumper crops is trailers. As I flew into Phoenix, I wish I would have taken the aerial photo of the trailer mecca. They are lined up in neat rows... some perpendicular to the road, others angled, but lined up like cars at a huge shopping mall, all glistening in the sun.
Each trailer park is stocked with trailers all of around the same age. As the newer models come out, in comes a new court for them.
There are double wides, singles, 5th wheels and smaller. They are parked in parks, or out plopped in the middle of deserts with nothing else around. Even some of the double wides lack the skirting and seem to be sitting there sometimes at the base of a mountain pondering if this will be their final home.
In older parts of the cities, there seems to be a grandfathering of zoning regulations and trailers sit beside regular homes with foundations. This seems to be zoning hell.
Hail to the trailer king. He with the most tires on top wins! He has a 5th wheel to boot! Let us bow in praise!!!
There simply isn't enough room on blogger to post all of the trailer photos, but let me tell you, Vermillion is hardly in the running when it comes to trailer parks. Arizona is far more esteemed in that division. That and Kitsh - mostly motel kitsch! When vacations were popularized in the 50s and 60s etc, several motels began their tourist seduction with signs designed in the latest vogue to attract bleary-eyed travelers.
1 comment:
THIS, is the post I've been waiting for. Sorry it took me a couple of days to get over here to see it... that school thing can be a real downer. Gorgeous report and photo essay. Well done, well done. You're right, Vermillion doesn't hold a candle to the Trailer Mecca known as Arizona.
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