Ick, yuck, gross me out!! Mom, I know that you have said that hands are washable, but they are not boilable. One thing that disgusts me about living with these guys is their refusal to clean up after themselves. As a girl, I know I have much better aim, by bathroom protocol. However, who is the unlucky one with the weak stomach that ALWAYS has to clean the bathroom. For this, I deserve a metal, a barf bag and perhaps a stiff drink. I have scolded, I have threatened to go in there with them each time, I have threatened to ban them from the main bathroom, and I have held out until using the bathroom has gagged me, but nothing will work. I ask myself how these can even be my children???? I don't know what to do and will appreciate either a volunteer to install me my own bathroom or ideas on how to NOT be the next one to clean up the vile mess!
Anyone who knows me, knows how much I DREAD public restrooms. I have difficulty with odors and messes that I believe should produced in the privacy of their own bathrooms. I often have to use the restroom at work either holding my breath or with my shirt over my nose. Oh, and another of my greatest pet peeves is an empty public restroom where a person HAS to use the stall next to mine - and the even worse twist as of late - flatulate in such a manner, they sound like they should be flying around the room like a full untied balloon let go... Am I too sensitive, or is this just rude!!!
Okay, I have to quit thinking about this, or I will hurl!!!
Public restroom nightmare: Terry from HTI years ago told me of the time he visited the McDonalds's over I-90 near Chicago. He was there standing in front of a urinal and a guy came up to the one right next to him, though there were tons of free ones down the line. The guy started licking the urinal right next to Terry's, the whole time looking up at Terry while he finished.
I'd love it if Belinda could score me a picture of that bathroom, specifically the urinals. I think Terry'd get a kick out of it.
As for getting your men to clean the bathroom: I think the key is shame. Make them feel so much shame... or threaten and follow through with using their toothbrushes next time you have to clean it.
Which section of I-90? South, north. . . ?
Also, they revamped most of the "oases" over the interstates a few yrs back and it's possible that particular urinal, bathroom, or even McDonalds is no longer there.
Interesting story, though, sounds like the guy may have been homeless - the homeless are generally an insane lot, and are known for this type of behavior.
P.S. to Ande - I also hate public restroom and generally will ONLY use McDonalds restrooms on the road - they are uniformly clean. Shell's are touch 'n go - I think this hangup may also be a female one. :) But it's not a bad one to have, IMO.
Good luck in shaming your -um - housemates to clean the bathroom. It may work though. I do know Mel's better housekeeping habits (one of which is his ALWAYS closing the toilet lid - remember this one next time you ask me why I married him :) )is from his spending so much time around his mother and sisters.
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