Friday, March 02, 2007

Patting Myself on the Back

I am taking a break from the downers of the week to announce that I made the dean's list at USD. It is a good thing that I had today off to catch up on the newspapers that I am catching up on. I needed some good press and good news after this week. It has been tough to say the least, but I won't go into it right now.


Anonymous said...

lil sis

Anonymous said...

As an objective, uninvolved critic of all things "Andean," I utter a quite dignified and restrained, "Yahoo, you kick academic butt, girl!!"

Mel said...

Give yourself a pat for me, too!

Lefty said...

Yow! You freakin' roool!

Who's Dean?

Bee said...

Congratulations! Wow!
Hang in there. . . and you know I love you. :)