Double Take
I had to do a double take when I saw DUM's photo from (I believe) downtown Sioux Falls. It seems we have mirrored perspectives of different buildings. That makes me feel so unoriginal. Or so copied! Not really. I am sure I could never compete with the likes of a photojournalist like DUM.
This photo of mine from The Carpenter Building(?) is actually a minimized version of the photo I took years ago standing at the bottom of the Sears Tower and the building beside it in downtown Chi-town. The grid in those photos is more flat and appears as if you are looking at a tiled floor. If I had a working scanner, I would upload those images, but, as it were, I don't so I will have to go back to Chicago and take them with my digital camera so I can upload to the computer. DUM, how do you get your copyright on your photos? Perhaps my bro can assist with that...
Photoshop. That's how I get the © on it. and mine was taken in Downtown Sioux Falls, corner of 9th and Phillips. Love the Carpenter photo too.
Very similar pictures. The citizen's bank building is more apt to give one that feeling that you're falling. I remember the first time I was in downtown Chicago when I was a wee lad. I couldn't look up for the feeling that all those giant buildings were going to fall on me.
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