Monday, October 08, 2007

Where am I?

I can't seem to locate me. That is why I have not posted. I am in a quicksand of blah. I am angry and sad and frustrated and just not me. I am questioning and procrastinating and sleeping and sleeping. I don't feel like talking, deciding, writing, reading or anything. I wake up every morning just to do the daily Sudoku. I have a ton of unanswered e-mails, unfinished assignments, unattended to mailings, unwatered plants. I am a walking question mark. Depressed? Who knows. I don't think about it that much. I am too busy doing nothing. I really don't have a legitimate reason. I will write when it changes, I think.


Horizontal said...

When life gives you lemons...
When life gives you old white bread, make dough balls and go fishing.
Nothing like an empty nostrum to lift your spirits, right?
Missed your blog.

Bee said...

Hey! Where'd ya go? (smile) Please come out of hiding and post something!!!!!
(And yes, this is the pot calling you black!)

Well, anyway, when I get like this, I find the best thing to do is make a cup of herbal tea and watch a movie or read my book for a couple of hours - regardless of whether I "have time" for it. You sound overwhelmed. Continue to let these other mundane things wait until you've cleared your mind some more.
Just my .02.
Love ya,