Saturday, November 15, 2008

Hello Again

I was told that I need to update my blog. So I will do so as I continue to burn my supper.

I have taken a little vacation from the blogosphere to concentrate efforts on school and city endeavors. I can't believe I graduate in 4 weeks. I hope I can find a job remotely in my field for awhile before I begin grad school.

For grad schools I am considering USD for either a masters in community psychology or a PhD in clinical psyche. I am also considering a masters in Social Work at Duluth. Or counseling psychology in Superior, WI. Ideally I would like to make strides in helping people with blended family issues. This is a truncated version of the total dream. I feel if I give away too much, I will not succeed so I will leave it at that.

Another option is my desire to redo the neighborhood, run for city council and rule the world someday. But, I am up agains the cat on that endeavor and that would be an uphill battle all the way! I have the dogs behind me, though.

I graduate on December 13th, and everyone is invited! Unfortunately, I can't plan for a huge reception because the nice folks at the U. scheduled graduation prior to finals!! But, if someone would like to say, fly in from Chicago that would be cool... (I'm just sayin'...)

But, I smell something, so I have to eat and finish writing my 3 papers.

TaTa folks. More later!


Bee said...

Oh, I wanna come see you graduate! Don't know if I can though, bein' December and all.
But Congratulations on getting your bachelor's!!! Woo-hoo!!!!

When do you plan to attend grad school?

Congrats again and good luck with the job search. You should be extremely proud of yourself (as I'm sure you are.)
We will have to get together and celebrate ASAP!!

The Sioux Falls Phoenix said...

I will hold you to that! Yes, we will have to get together and celebrate. It only took me 24 years... That's awful!

Anonymous said...

Glad you checked in and congrats on your imminent graduation! I wish you the best of luck on the grad work and cleaning up the neighborhood.

Lefty said...

Social work? Why would you want to be amongst that kind of riff-raff?