Thursday, April 16, 2009

Can you hear it ticking?

It's politicking.  If there are two things that I dread, they are politics and as Obama says, "backbiting".  I feel that I will walk the fine line here.  

When a group of people is working towards a common goal...Hmm...When you are trying to do good things...uh.  When for the last 15 years you have led a group of people...  Harumph!  When you have been instrumental in fostering positive change...crap.  When a religious leader walks in and in the name of...  When all along you have developed relationships within your community and are finally beginning to see the fruits...okay...When you are pushing the broad side of a barn door up a hill and finally get to the top and someone emerges takes the barn door and holds it victoriously above his religious head...but it's not about me, I am glad that the barn door made it to the top of that hill. Since you aren't affiliated with the church and he is... I would appear so negative to can't say anything...

...well, you know what I mean...


Lefty said...

Just come out and say it. Name names. You want I should get some guys to work him over with a blowtorch and a pair of pliers?

Horizontal said...

Provacative, but I'm with Lefty. Tell us more.

The Sioux Falls Phoenix said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bee said...

Uh - no I don't! Please tell us!