Weather Or Not It Is Better in Two Harbors
Back in Sioux Falls, when I mentioned that I was moving to Two Harbors, people would tell me how cold it is here. They would tell me how awful the winters were. So, I decided to do a bit of research using historical averages. Okay you South Dakotans, here it is:
Two Harbors average January high temp is 22.5 as opposed to Sioux Falls' 25.2 degrees. However, The average January low temp is 5 degrees in Two Harbors and 2.9 in Sioux Falls. July temps in Sioux Falls average a high of 85.6 and a low of 60.3. In Two Harbors the July average high is 73.6 and low is 53.4.
I like the cool weather. I will gladly take a summer here over one in Sioux Falls any day. I just cannot tolerate the heat more than I cannot tolerate the cold.
A bit o envy.
I would think Sioux Falls would have worse, more severe weather, due to it's middle o'the plains location. Tow Harbors, while further north, is buffeted by Lake Superior AND thick forests and ga-zillions of lakes to the east. And water and forest to the north.
In my neck of the woods, Chicago is always warmer in the winter than even the southwestern suburbs because of Lake Michigan.
Being by a huge body of water almost always tempers extreme weather, hot or cold.
And btw, I didn't know you moved to Two Harbors - I thought you'd moved to Duluth!
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