Diversity thingamabob
Turned out to be a pretty good day.
Today was the big summit. Kim and I worked at the registration tables until 10:00. I met and remet many people. There was a photographer there who does photos of various populations. He has them with chalkboards telling the world what or who they are. That was interesting.
The presentation that I organized was a hit! Not only did my presenters show, their boss and a few cohorts did as well! It was freaking amazing! It was the first of all the sessions to reach capacity (and then some!) After the session people spent a great deal of time speaking with all of the Integration Specialists. One of them gave me a hug, too! Much needed. Many kudos on this idea and arranging them to speak. :)
Our class also met with the keynote speaker. Sometimes I wonder when I am at a presentation, why the speaker looks at me so much. Also when I'm in class and a question is answered, why do people look at me when answering?
I got my iPad last night at about 6:30. I haven't had much time to play with it yet. Can't wait! Apps are awaiting. I used it today to take notes at some of the sessions. People were whispering behind me... My friends were jealous. I used to like that, but not so much anymore. I don't know why.
That sounds great!
Are you wearing pants when people are looking at you?
Almost everyday, people are looking at me. So, while they are all looking I might as well teach. It runs in the family.
Of course they're looking at you, especially since you have an ipad.
By the way, congrats on another success! Onward!!
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