Okay. I was halfway expecting the topper to my shit sandwich...
Today I got up at 5:30 to work on homework. I was going to be good and work diligently on finishing my paper for Clinical class. However, my computer began making sounds. I said a little prayer and hooked it up to the back-up drive. No luck. It refused to work long enough to back up everything I did today.
I spoke with Eric and found out what I needed to know to get a new hard drive. I pulled into Best Buy shortly after 10 only to find they were out of internal hard drives for laptops. What in the world!?! They were also out of Snow Leopard except for the $50 family pack. I asked where I could find these. He recommended the UMD Bookstore. I called there and the computer corner wasn't open, but they said they could go down and get what I needed. When I arrived, they said they couldn't help me. The look on my face must have plead otherwise, because several phone calls were made and I got the hard drive and the software.
I came back home and tried repeatedly to install the hard drive. First one rubber guide came off, then another! I could not get the blasted thing in there. Several Kleenex later, I called Best Buy and asked if their Geeks could help. They said they could have a look. I drove back out there and sure enough, he got it in on the first try. I have no idea how he could have done that when I tried all afternoon! But, will not argue. Finally I could begin the process of recovering everything from the back-up drive. After I looked up at the clock, it was 7:30. I spent the whole day on this project and hadn't even begun my homework!
There is a reason I have a Munch's "Scream" mug!
I don't get the Karma thing. I have helped so many people this past week and this is what I get? I hope I am getting Karma rewards points for all the bad things that have happened. Please?! If so, I think this past week has racked them up for a year or more. Or should I maintain flinch position?
You need to keep your receipts in order to receive your Karmic rewards points.
Glad you got it up and running.
I'll save the Kleenex.
You were helped by good people along the way. It wasn't all bad. It was a sign of help to come.
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