Afraid to walk out my door...
So, last winter a nice guy helped me dig my car out of the snow in my driveway. I was hung up on the stuff the city allowed to get packed down before they plowed it into my way.
This year, I found out who the guy was. He is the neighbor's handyman. He mows, snow-blows, paints, trims bushes, weeds, etc. He came into the yard when I was out a few weeks ago, and asked if I would go out for a couple of drinks with him. He said it has taken him this long to get the gumption to ask. I agreed to coffee. We met for coffee at 10:00 am and he was dressed up in his work clothes: old t-shirt, old jeans and ball cap. Really, he shouldn't have.
Over coffee "we" discussed all the stuff in his garage and basement he needed to get rid of, the stuff he has sold at online garage sales, his stepdaughter from a previous relationship, and he did not ask me anything about me. Afterwards he gave me his phone number and I did not reciprocate.
He has come knocking on my door, caught me outside and talked my ears off. I don't want to go out with him. I am not interested. He even stated that I have not given him my number, and I agreed and nodded. (Yeah, you're right. I did not.) He is attempting to discourage me from leaving Brainerd, asking if I contacted that one lady in private practice. Telling me I should so I don't have to leave here.
He mowed my side of the yard next to my neighbors' yard, went through my cardboard I have out for pickup, thinking I wouldn't mind and has monopolized my time. I am chalking up the hours of my life I will never get back. I am irritated beyond belief. Monday, he came over when the contractor was here to put my door on and started talking to me just to apparently mark his territory. Yesterday he came over every time I walked outside. He does not recognize the deep frown on my face or the indifference to his narratives or the fact I don't reciprocate with the conversation.
I hate NOT working, and my time at home is evolving into complete hell with this guy working next door every single day! I am already motivated to find a job. He is motivating me to agoraphobia. Tomorrow there is a workshop at the unemployment office. I signed up for it just to get away. Leave me the @#$% alone!
I understand - have been told, anyway - men can't take hints. I believe it. The next time he comes over I will make certain he gets the hints - I will tell him to leave me alone.
Apparently teens these days would say in disgust, "Stalker!" or "Creeper!"
I think when I was miserable being lonely and not having anyone to talk to, this was the universe's answer to my request to end my loneliness. Ha. Ha. I am not amused.
AndeBeast: I think you're wise to keep him at arms length or more. Check his name with the local police or online predator lists. You must be firm.
Keep your hopes up. There is a job for you somewhere soon. Believe in you and that God knows there are people who need you and he won't let them down.
Thanks, Dad! I am keeping doors locked. I cringe when I hear a vehicle coming that sounds like him. I see he is not done painting the neighbor's garage. I should not have to live like this. I saw my welcome mat was upside-down last night. I don't know if it was him or not, but it doesn't matter when I am freaked out anyway.
I know I will have something, sometime. I simply do not know how low I will have to go to get there.
I love you!
SFP: Keep your cell phone at hand all the time. You need to get out. Go to the library. Keep a log of relevant and suspicious things. Hopefully, you won't need it, but if you ever go to court over this, it'll increase your credibility.
You'll be employed soon.
So we'll not be seeing him at Thanksgiving then?
Maybe you could put up a rainbow flag to give the impression that you're not of his dating pool?
Love you, sis!
Good advice, guys. And no, Lefty, you won't be seeing him at Thanksgiving.
Love yous!
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