Could It Be Any More Monday Than This??!!??!!
It always begins when you wake up late. I am usually up by 5:15, reading the paper and giving Sage her rubdown. (Its a morning thing, and she has grown to understand that when I stop, it is because I found another word in the crossword) This morning, it was 6:45. Nick and Ben had showers to take and so did I. I got them roused and they took long, luxurious showers. I had to leave the door open afterwards to get the steam down so I could see into the mirror after my shower.
Apparently I stepped on a piece of glass last night, because my foot was sore. That was a great night as well!! One of the children put one of the few remaining glasses right in front of the serving dish that I took out of the cabinet. It fell into the Kitchen Aid mixing bowl and broke into pieces that bounced into the mashed potatoes and all over the floor. They have only lived here for how long and still don't know where the dishes go when they are asked to empty the dishwasher? I don't buy it. It is a ploy similar to the shrunken or discolored clothes when men attempt to do laundry, thinking we will say "Oh, just forget it, I will do the laundry forever since you can't seem to do it right!" My ex once shrunk my favorite ecru angora sweater AND put it in with the reds, leaving me with a pink sweater approximately a child's size 4. I am now a firm believer that practice makes perfect and if they can't do it right, we need to give them more practice. That'll take care of that one!!!
Back to MonDaY:
When I get to work to get the once over from the boss. "I am going to have to send you home to change," she said in her tsk, tsk way while rolling her eyes. (I have to love her maturity sometimes!!!) After she went back into the office, the rest of the group did their eye-rolling. Apparently my sweater, turtleneck and jeans were not fit to be seen by the head honcho flying in.
At least I wasn't the only one to be sent home. I am just glad I live in town. One of my coworkers who lives 20 miles out had to go home as well.
Upon my desk, I found an x-mas baggy given to me by one of my coworkers. Apparently she enjoyed my recipe for caramel corn so much that she decided to beat me to the punch this year and give it to coworkers as gifts - as is customarily my practice. That doesn't ordinarily bother me, but this day it did. I let her know in no uncertain terms that she will no longer be receiving recipes from me. This is such a tradition at work that people were actually thanking me for them. I didn't do it. (Anyway, I don't give all my secrets away. I brought the bag home and Brian said, "this isn't as good as yours". I know. :))
That was my morning.
I got a call after school and Ben is sick with the stomach flu. He has his finals this week. He is in bed now. I suppose I should be baking or cleaning or something, but I had to unload. I hope tomorrow is better.
Santa, please remember me...
Aren't you going to post the recipe?
I love you, sis!
Yeah, please do, 'cause I wanna make some and send it to your co-workers next year! :)
6 quarts of puffcorn
1/2 c. arsenic (or to taste, the more the better, and keep tasting until it is nice and almondy!)
Brown sugar
Karo corn syrup
Ummm... are my fingers supposed to be going numb?
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