Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas everyone!! What a wonderful day it was!!! I really missed Renee, Becky and their bunches, but other than that it was pretty darn good. We had dinner at Eric and Mel's and they were gracious enough to have it early enough for Nick to eat before he left for work! Mel's mom got hooked on the caramel corn, and I just hope that they were able to cut her off before she was hopelessly addicted. (Honest, I don't put meth in it. It is the all the love I put in that makes it so darned addictive!)
I found a couple of recipes for dinner rolls and baked them this morning. Hopefully they were okay. I am a little shaky on my bread making skills, but it was fun to do.
Santa got me a digital scanner! I am now back baby, able to know what is going on before I see cops go by and hopefully able to help. I try!!
I actually got Christmas gifts from the boys! Their own hard earned money. That is the first time. Although it isn't the gift that mattered, it is the fact that they actually thought about me and didn't get the gifts at the gas station on the way over. They put some thought into it! Thank you boys!
Eric and Mel got me some coffee! Yum! I can always use good coffee. I think I will break out the press tonight in joyful celebration.
I am home alone right now and I love it. I need more time like this!
Before I end this blog, I need to share a blog that I must warn you isn't for the faint of stomach. The trend in blogs seems to be food recipes, especially jello ones, and some absolutely disgusting! Having been offered some tuna jello thing at dim sum one day, I realize that the foreign palette is quite different. Jello, in the American culture, is a sweet dish. The Thai, do not use gelatin but agar. Yes, agar is the substance that we used in Biology class to wipe our bacteria infested swabs on to see what we could get to grow!!! Mmmmmm! Agar is much more firm than gelatin, thus the molds (not bacteria, etc.) hold their shapes better. They also use soy for everything! So, enjoy this site!
All for now. I am going to go read my scanner manual! Merry Christmas and God Bless Us Everyone!
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