Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Who stole the - who killed the electric car

Bandwidth theft? I was branded with a tsk, tsk, tsk theft sign. That is what I get for advertising for the environment. My apologies. Despite this, still see the movie. Unbelievable.

1 comment:

Bee said...

What? You don't know what happened to it? WEird. And that sucks 'cause i haven't read that link yet!

Although lately I'm feeling really extreme and going to suggest that instead of coming up with new-fangled cars for individuals (families, whatever)they need to come up with new-fangled PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION!!!!! They need to REDESIGN cities and neighborhoods. Sigh.
I know the viruses are doing their damndest to kill a few of us off, but there are simply too many of us so WE have to do something.

Thank you for inspiring my little political/social rant today. :)