Saturday, October 15, 2011

Fevered Hilarity

I almost called in sick to my doctor's appointment yesterday.  I felt faint and like I was cruising on some form of psychedelic drug.  I was running a fever.  I am on yet my 3rd antibiotic for cough and sinus symptoms.  Yesterday was by far the worst.  Yet I could not sleep.  I got back on Netflix and watched The Man Who Cried.  It had Christina Ricci and Johnny Depp in it.  I watched another movie or two after that. I finally fell asleep in the middle of Moll Flanders and woke up out of a strange dream.  Johnny Depp and I had announced to all our facebook friends that we were expecting our love child.  I laughed so hard when I woke up that I landed in a full coughing fit - followed of course, by a new facebook entry.  


Lefty said...

I didn't even know you and Mr. Depp were an item. Do bring him to Thanksgiving.

Horizontal said...

I have a feeling that we'll have to enter Ande's dreams to meet him. I'm not sure I want to venture in there.

Love you Ande. You sure picked the wrong part of the country to be your favorite.