Saturday, November 05, 2011

The Office

It was difficult after graduating, paying $60,000 for 3 letters behind my name to be relegated to a cubicle again and work basically out of my car.  I drove to my clients' homes and met them there in their environment.  However, it was good to see their surroundings: the things on the walls, tables and cabinets that were symbols of what was important to them.  The grieving family had numerous shrines dedicated to their son who died too soon for them to accept.  The abusive father with the knife collection lived in a house reeking of urine with the bible next to a notebook on the couch.  The sweet little girl lived in the basement with a lock on the door leading down to it.  The single mom confined to a welfare slum, making the best of it with her children's photos and drawings posted all over the walls.  I built relationships there.

Now I have an office.  I realize that I am elated not to have to drive miles and miles to see my clients.  Since I rolled my car at age 16, driving has not been my favorite duty.  I am doing child, adolescent and family therapy in one of the largest offices in the building.  It came furnished with a black leather couch, a white '80's (halogen?) lamp, a discount store cabinet filled with toys and papers, and a laminate wood and metal desk.  Oh, let's not forget the gray carpet with a large dark stain on it.  I immediately logged on to Amazon and ordered artwork and a large carpet to warm up the place.  I really can't afford it on my sparse salary, however, I need to ensure my clients are comfortable and have more than white walls to look at.  For now, I have a bulletin board with photos of my dogs.   Children love animals.

I am looking forward to decorating with pieces of art from second-hand stores for now.  I will have pens, pencils, crayons, paints, craft kits and all sorts of stuff that I can work on with the kids.  I have requested additional chairs for my office.  I will not sit in an office chair.  That implies power and expertise, and my clients are the experts of their lives - not me.  I can't wait until it is done!  I also have established good relationships with the facilities people who stated they will paint my office for me.  Oh, joy!


Lefty said...

Stay away from thrift store clown paintings. I've always hated clowns.

Horizontal said...

Stay away from clowns unless you can an original "Gacey." Send pictures.
Love you, little Ande.

The Sioux Falls Phoenix said...

I love you guys. Don't worry. I am afraid of clowns, too. I wouldn't put myself through that.