Thursday, February 10, 2011

I hate this...

I just got done talking to Brian. He says that there is no way that he can pay any more for a house payment that what he is right now. So, that means that I won't get the money out of the house until he sells it.

The problem with selling it is that he is blind to the mess he and his daughter create. The house when "cleaned" to their specifications is awful. When I had the realtor come through he made a few points about the house and getting it ready to sell. First of all, he said to get Brian and Jess out. He didn't think that it would sell while they were there with all the clutter. He also said that it would be difficult to sell with the dogs there. There are also a number of things that need to be fixed before it could go on the market.

Brian did not have any time to do any work on the house when I was there over Christmas. Now with a girlfriend and a busy social life, when will he have time to do this?

So many questions race through my mind. Did he have this planned all along? Get rid of me, get his name on the title, and not sell it. He bought a new vehicle in October. This could be why he doesn't have any money?

I don't know what to do. Keep an eye out for refrigerator boxes for me. I don't know how I will be able to afford a home now.


Lefty said...

This is sort of like a divorce. If you can't figure it out amicably, it may be wise to get arbitration involved.

Horizontal said...

I hope it can be worked out. A friend of mine used to say about money messes, "They can kill you but they can't eat you."

I don't know what that means in non-institutionalized language, but it seems to be the thing to say to someone having those problems.