Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Thank you everyone

I appreciate your support and your words of encouragement/discouragement at this time of bleck. I'm not much into much, including blogging. So, I will close and do my homework until another whim reaches me.

Is anyone interested in taking cooking classes? Wine tasting classes? Stained glass classes? Hmm...Time for a new adventure sometime.



Bee said...

No, but I've always wanted to take ballroom dance classes. Wanna be my dance partner?

Anonymous said...

How about corn cob art?

Anonymous said...

Keep on, Keepin' on. If my co-op has cooking classes again, I'll let you know - I heard they were great last fall, but I couldn't make any of them due to the scheduling.

The Sioux Falls Phoenix said...

Thank you, Mark, I would appreciate that. They aren't easy to find in these here parts.