Monday, November 20, 2006


I give up. I need a break. I am so stressed out. What a weekend!! Where to start?? Just here I guess. Thursday a.m. or was it Friday, got an e-mail from my dad about my mom. She has Graves Disease and her eyeball is protruding. I called in the morning and found out that she is trying to get in to Mayo to get the surgery to get the eye back to normal. For one thing, although the invention of e-mail is wonderful, I still prefer in person or by phone for this sort of thing. I was supposed to be working on my paper and didn't think it would be a problem, but Ben had his friends over Saturday so they could get up at the blessed crack of dawn to go get the Nintendo Wii. I know how long he has been looking forward to this, but for heaven's sakes, the rest of us have lives, too. So, no one got any sleep that night - they were too excited and kept playing video games and shouting. They didn't leave until 5 last night. I went to bed early, too tired to study and ending up choking on my stomach acid and having to sleep sitting up. This morning I had to go to work early because I had to take time off for my root canal that I had at 11:00 and was looking forward to more than going to work. It went well, despite the fact that I am some freak and have an extra nerve and the tooth broke when he took the clamp off after the root canal. But, hey, that's par for the course today. Then had to go to Ben's Oral Interp Open House, even though he isn't in Oral Interp anymore, we have to help raise dinero for the others. While there, my 17 year-old took off for god-knows-where-but-not-home and I haven't seen him since. He needs to go to bed early because he is having ACL surgery tomorrow. Now I am home and the stereo is blaring, also par for the course when I want to try to get my thoughts together and chill out. I think I will now find out the true benefits of Darvocet... Good night...


Lefty said...

Please, please, please do yourself a favor and try Prilosec OTC. I take one a day after being on a prescription of this and its sister meds for years. I'm telling you, get on this stuff and you can actually look at grapefruit juice without whimpering. If the single dose of the OTC isn't quite doing it for you, double up on it. That's what my doc told me, and that's good advice for you, too. You can still keep the Tums around in case you forget to take a pill one day, but I'm telling you; Prilosec will change your life the way Tony Robbins always promised, but never did.
Bow to the Prilosec messiah and never wake up spitting acid on the ones you love again. It'll save your woodwork.

Seriously, try the Prilosec.

Anonymous said...

As one that makes lemons out of lemonade, I am thinking perhaps I could be a superhero of the city of Gastroenteropolis!!! My special power would be spitting my disintegrating acid at the bad guys... I could be The Bileator!!!! My theme song would be "The Reflux"!!!! I would make the world safe for chocolate and grapefruit juice again!!!! (Dynamic music placed here)

Bee said...

How did you like the Darvocet? I never could stomach the stuff myself. . . And btw, I can't believe you didn't go home after your freakin' root canal and REST!
Yikes, Oral Interp Open House and the stereo blaring. . . you need a break. So I'm gonna call you. :)