Monday, November 06, 2006

Making the lists

Well, another tumultuous weekend. I certainly can't wait until the election is over. I can't wait until the week is over. I need time without children...They are with their dad next weekend. Hopefully I can get my paper completed. Hopefully I can find more material.

Looks like we eliminated the dealers on the corner. It was the first weekend after the first of the month and no activity. Either they are gone or they went back to Chi-town for refills. I think they are renting their vehicles instead of driving them here. I think it would be worth checking out. It would be quite beneficial to have some sort of indicator on the plate or on the car indicating that it is a rental. Winter is here and I am not outside as much gathering plate numbers.

A girl at work has her sister staying with her after hearing gunshots close to her window on the west side of town. It is strange that all the gunfire happens over there and this is supposed to be the dangerous neighborhood.


Anonymous said...

Don't forget the 7 and 10 year old brothers that did $50K worth of damage to their neighbor's house a few weeks ago out by Memorial Middle School. What is it with the Westside?

Sidenote - you wrote about shingles a while back - did you notice this today?

The Sioux Falls Phoenix said...

I have never heard of shigellosis. There is a lot of stomach stuff going around daycares and even a few adults having projectile vomitting. I wonder if that is what it is. Patty on 97.3 was gone today due to projectile vomitting. Poor little Griffin has once again been struck with a flu-like illness.

One thing that I found difficult to believe - since I am a single mom hearing all the statistics about broken homes and the negative impact on children - is that those two children do not come from a broken home. The parents don't understand where this behavior came from and were very apologetic and helpful about repair of the damage to the home. So, it must be tv, video games, or some form of abuse...

Bee said...

I don't know the story about the house damage - I have observed, though, that some of the worst kids come from the "best" homes - or they seem to be the best. It also seems that nice, well-mannered parents more often have extremely ill-behaved children. No backbone? Who knows? It could be the parents' ALLOWING them to play certain games, etc.