Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Just let me crawl in a hole

You just can't make this stuff up. You just can't!!! Remember when I said what next? That regrettable statement that was out there hanging and I said, stay tuned? Well, here you go...

I was enjoying a perfectly rotten day at work. I was at the point of laughing because it was so pathetically bad. I was scheduled to get off at 12:15 to make it to my oncologist appointment. How much sh** can you stuff into one day? Well, the phone rang at 9:20 and I lost it! Brian's mother had a heart attack and was being taken by ambulance to Sioux Falls. Jess had been there since Saturday and last night they got into it. Mavis is 80 and wonderful. She says I am the daughter she always wanted. She is so upset by her granddaughter's behavior and wishes she had more grandchildren... I won't go into detail, but she hates to say that and this last week wasn't good for any of them. I finished my work and ran up to the hospital. She said that she is ready to go. (Please don't!) At this moment she is in the cath lab getting an angiogram and possible angioplasty.

I left when they began prepping her for surgery. On my way out, I saw my ex-father-in-law. My ex-mother-in-law was also in the heart hospital. They think she may have a blood clot. She and I are also close. (Yes, I still get along with the ex-in-laws)

They took blood at the oncologist before I left. My fever was down, but that was probably because I just got done chewing an entire glass of ice. I took it when I got home and it was back to 99.4. Basically what was said was that I should either be referred to a rhuematologist or an infectious disease specialist. Depending on the outcome of the blood tests we will see. So, hopefully the scary "C" word is out of the picture.

Just got an update on Mavis. She has 2 total calcified blockages and 1 partial blockage. 3 choices, medication that could land her back up there within the year, angioplasty which could land her back up there in 5 years, or bipass surgery which, although it would have the best long term effects, would have the highest risk at this point.

Oh, to add to it all, Jess has been nagging her dad to go to the fair. She sent me a text asking me "why does this always happen to me?" - as in why do my plans always get ruined? I told her that this was not the time I even told her that her Grandma could die! (I am not usually that blunt, but she pushed me to the limit!) To which she replied, "It's my grandma and I know she won't die". I told her she should be a doctor, because she's the only one that knows that! Not even the doctors know at this point - but wait, that would mean that she would have to think about someone besides herself. Not cool, kid. How can you teach a 14 year old empathy? Is it too late? This is where she always gets in trouble. This is the kind of thinking that will land her in prison or a mental institution.

1 comment:

Lefty said...

Heavens to betsy! Keep us posted on Phyllis and Mavis.