Friday, August 03, 2007

This Is Beginning To Take on A Theme...

I would like to say this has been a good week, but it has instead been teary and stress-filled. Where to start? Monday...presentation isn't done yet. I spend an hour at the doctor's office listening to him tell me that he has no idea what is wrong with me and listening to the med student outside the examination room saying that he was wracking his brain trying to figure out what it could be. They must have been looking at a bug on a wall, huh? I received copies of my diagnostic tests and sent them to my teacher who is passing them on to his pathologist friend. Eric said I need "House". I have been referred to what they said was a hematologist/oncologist that is listed in the phone book as an oncologist. That doesn't do well for the mood.

Tuesday meh! The usual work crap. The oncologist thing didn't really hit me until after the nurse called with the appointment at the cancer center. I cried. I try to be optimistic, but gee, I don't have the energy for that very often. My flowers have been dying since my hospital visit. Both the ones in the vases and the ones outside. I just want a REALLY GOOD THUNDERSTORM! I had to be at school an hour early to work with my presentation partners. We were presenting on Wednesday, but most of the work was already done by me here. We organized their slides and went to class. He handed the tests back and gave me a hard time because the best grade I got was on the material covered the week I was out.

Wednesday was probably the worst. When I got to work, my tuition reimbursement papers were sitting there returned again. I had to prove that I took the Sociology class through USD and the Cognitive Psyche class at USDSU. They wrote in big letters that the tuition costs didn't match the tuition rates for the schools. Yes, they did but . She she returns my papers every semester wanting more proof. This semester it was twice. Thank goodness I keep copies of everything. I wanted to comment on this because the business office at school says that they haven't had this problem with any other W- employee and their tuition reimbursement program. But I refrained. Also of note, even though I include the phone number of the business office along with their letters to W- stating that they can contact them if they need further information, Wells Fargo WON'T. If that isn't enough, they cross through the notes and letters with red ink. What bullshit!

As soon as I got home I saw that Nick had mail from his new employer. I opened it, knowing what it was probably about. Sure enough, the legal problems were on their background check despite the fact that it hasn't gone to court yet, it was just a charge. I had to call him at work, because he already had his notice in and was training his replacement. I also called his dad and said that he may wish to get some legal advise on this. Nick called and found out that they have no interest in hiring him until it is cleared up. So much for car payments... Then Brian called and needed me to bring him his keys because he took the work vehicle home and left his car keys here. I had to be to school in one hour and I was still running around like a chicken with its head cut off. I still had to do some refinements on the presentation. Just as I hung up with Nick's dad, my neighbor called to see how I was doing...Presentation or no, I had to run. On the way to work, two fighting drunken women were blocking traffic on 11th street. Anyway, when we got up to do our presentation, the pictures on the powerpoint wouldn't show up. I sure hope that doesn't affect our grade. The teacher said that the problem was that I had a Mac, but I say the problem was that they have a PC. I can get PC crap on my Mac, but it just doesn't work the other way. You would think an educational institution would be up to date and state of the art. Bah ha ha!!

Thursday was study night. Eric saved my butt by bringing me a VGA adapter so the f***ing PC based projector would be able to hook up to my Mac! Nick stopped by and talked my ear off. I couldn't get him to talk when he lived here and I can't get him to shut up now. Then Ben came home. He also talked my ear off. I had to study!!

Today's excitement was taking the test and finding out I narrowly escaped with a 'C'- not acceptable in my book, so that is going to place additional stress on studying for the final.

I got the mail when I got home and here was a letter from Xcel Energy and I quote, "Dear current resident, Our information system shows that we have no responsible party to bill energy service to at the address listed above. Please contact our Customer Service Department immediately if you wish to continue service at this address. If we do not receive a reply within 10 days from the date of notification, the energy service may be discontinued." What the F***?! This is what I get for living here and paying the electric bill religiously for 17 years??? Frankly you can't find a more responsible person when it comes to paying bills!!! I have ulcers from being so responsible! I resent that statement! What the hell. I might as well start being irresponsible if this is all the credit I get.

I made the mistake of saying, "what else?!" I should know better! I will keep you updated.


Anonymous said...

Remember the old proverb: "It's always darkest just before it really gets black as hell!"

On the other hand, we love you and we pray for you to have a few blue skies and happy times.

Hey, Nick and Ben wanted to talk to you. That's really something!

Lefty said...

Hey! You didn't mention what else I gave you. Probably best.


Love you!

Mel said...

Hey --

I'm wishing you black skies and a kick-ass thunderstorm! Of course, I'll be enjoying it, too. Hopefully it will happen when neither one of us is at work.

I talked to a co-worker last night who's son works with Nick -- she said she was in the store recently, and was really impressed with how well he dealt with a difficult customer.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for all your weather wishes everyone. Mel, thanks for telling me about Nick. That really helps to know that he is good at his job. I worry about him.