Saturday, December 23, 2006

Don't Get the Stomach Flu

Last week I missed two lovely days of work due to this awful stomach flu. I think everyone in the house has had it now. The awful truth about the flu, is that although the initial symptoms last a mere 2 days, the stomach cramps and loss of appetite continue. I cannot say personally how long it could last, but a physician said that it can take up to 3 weeks to regain your normalcy. I have been famished, only to take 2 bites and experience complete fullness. Today, I simply don't care to eat. Water is the only thing that doesn't seem too rich.

In the workplace, emphasis is placed on political correctness in diversity. We have come to a point, where you cannot wish someone a "Merry Christmas" anymore. It has to be "Happy Holidays". Raised Catholic, I would not be offended if a person of Jewish persuasion (I don't know if it is PC to say "Jew" anymore) came up and wished me a "Happy Hanukkah". Actually, I think that would be far less offensive and perhaps complimentary as opposed to the H.H. greeting. So what is society doing? It almost seems that in the pursuance of PC, people are embarrassed to differentiate. This embarrassment is not healthy. We are not celebrating our differences, but hiding them. At work, we can't display any Christian preference, for fear of separating those that aren't. My feelings are that if you would like a crucifix in your cubie, go ahead. That is your little place in your work world, and if it gives you comfort, why not? When we have photos of our families we are not saying that we object to people without children. I really don't think dog people are offended when cat people have pictures of their animals at their desks. Why should anyone be ashamed of their religion?

I had to be out in the traffic this morning so I thought I had better stop at the store. As luck would have it, I got the second to the closest non-handicapped parking spot. That kind of luck doesn't come along much. I grabbed a basket to pick up the few things I needed and pressed on through the store. Grumpy faces broke into smiles when they looked up expecting to see another grumpy face and saw my smile. I couldn't help myself. Forever the rebel, I refuse to go with the flow and grump at other holiday shoppers. That is the valium I take shopping with me this time of year. WARNING: It is contagious. People pay it forward. At the end of my jaunt, there wasn't a cart left in the lobby or the cart corrals. I think the bulk of the crowd was behind me. Probably in a traffic jam in aisle 2.

That is it for rantings for now. I am going to trek downtown and see if I can pass out smiles there.



Lefty said...

That's the spirit. Go nuts with the smiles, you crazy Christian!

Lefty said...

Oh, and happy Hanukkah!