Sunday, December 17, 2006

Holidays Got You Down?

Sage has simply had it....

I gotta love this link, summing the year up with a lovely holiday ad. If you haven't noticed, it is one of my favorite websites.

I found this really cool photographer's website also. Makes you want to stop buying things made in China. I like his 100x100 photos. People are living in these "boxes" of apartments in China.
Notice that none of them have windows. Some folks are minimalists and some are hoarders, but none have enough REAL living space. Very sad. I assume by all the fans I see in each "box" that there is no central air.


Bee said...

Well, actually, he indicates the apts are in Hong Kong and not in mainland China. I can only imagine what people's living conditions are there. . . And actually, just to be the devil's advocate, aside from the lack of natural light, they seem to have all the creature comforts, just in a tiny space. I notice everyone has a TV and refrigerator (and the f#$@ing TV is almost always on in every picture).
I do wish all of those people living in brand-new "McMansions" could see these.

Bee said...

Oh, well, today I'm getting all your photos up.
That is one spoiled-ass dog!!! I thought my Rosie was bad, hoggin' the back cusion of the easy chair.
And, excuse me, Miss Thing, is that a chaise lounge???!!!! OMG I am so jealous. I am so coming to your house asap and sprawling myself on your chaise lounge. Tell Sage to move it over!

Anonymous said...

You, jealous? I am not the one receiving a package from Lancome containing "virgin blood", the nectar of Venus!! Alas you have captured the devil's tincture. The elusive Magie Noir Parfum. You may not sit on my chaise lest I receive but a drop of the priceless potion!