Wednesday, May 09, 2007

I'm Gonna do it, but I need your help

Tell your friends, tell your neighbors, tell your pets...Include me on your well-traveled blog!!! I am going to publish a blog for our neighborhood. I need contributors that live, work or are affiliated with the neighborhood and ideas but most of all, right now I need a name!

I haven't begun to compose this, but most of all I would like it to be an upbeat post, but containing neighborhood news and photos. Success stories, triumphs, toils, opinions...

We are trying to turn this neighborhood around. A couple years ago, gangs and drug sales crept in and flourished. Our older homes are gorgeous historical beauties. I just had a thought hit my head! Ouch!!! How about a profile of an older home in the neighborhood. One a week, month, whatever...describing the history, the occupants and any items of note! We could also interview homeowners, flippers, city personnel...

Ouch!!! (Another one) Why isn't the Argus Leader doing this????? Hmm... No, I am not going to compete with them. Although lately I don't know...

Speaking of the Argus...the day I went in and met with M. Cooper and R. Sorensen, the front page article of the Argus in big bold letters, was about the city kicking one of the tenants out of a college student house because they violated the ordinance of no more than 4(?) unrelated people in one single-family dwelling. I asked at City Hall what they did to make the Argus mad??? The resolution to the issue, including allowing all to stay there until the issue was resolved DID NOT also make the front page. If the A.L. is going to make a huge deal about something, making the city look like it is the big bully, why don't they also make a huge deal about the city being flexible and reconsidering??? AAAAARRRRRGGGGGus!

All for now. Please link me to your readership to spread this request for a name for the blog!

Thanks! I will keep y'all updated.

1 comment:

Lefty said...

You should define the boundaries of the neighborhood. Be prepared to do all the work yourself or with a couple of like-minded people. I can offer you the strength and google-ability of (such that it is) as aid. It seems like a really good fit to me. If that means providing live links to your blog or eve hosting the blog, I'm there for you (though there may be some complications that need to be looked into before we rush ahead). GFSF gets good hits on any building I feature and I think this could be good for both of us.